Thursday, July 19, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Triple Play # . . . ah, who knows?!
Everything went well today, besides having to spend 4 hours at the hospital because every department I visited was behind schedule today (blah). All Bud's test results were good. They didn't measure him this week, but we already KNOW he's huge.
It was kind of nice to start the c-section paperwork for next week. It was like, I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel! Yay! I have one more appointment at the hospital next Tuesday, but it is just for more paperwork, and blood work, and one last non-stress test to get prepared for the c-section the next day.
WILL Bud hand on until the 25th? I think so, now. I have had some painful cramping the last few days, and even saw a few teeny-weeny contractions on the monitor today, but nothing that really got my hopes up that he'll come any sooner. Well, I guess that's okay. There's only one week left. I am resigned to it. And I know Daddy has his time booked off from work for next week, as do other family members, so we might as well work with everyone else's schedule at this point!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
I'm NOT happy!
As you can see, I'm still here, so nothing's changed!
Dr. P. looked at my file and the reports from Tuesday's ultrasound, and said, "Everything looks good . . . it's a good-sized baby, but we knew that. Thank goodness we're doing a c-section!" And: "So we're still set for the 25th . . ."
At this rate, he's going to be 12 pounds by the time he's born! I might as well put away the newborn outfits and break out the three-month stuff!
So, basically, it's up to Bud now. As Dr. P. said before, she'll deliver him if I go into labour before the 25th, but I know I won't be so lucky.
I seriously pity the people around me right now. I am huge, and I am miserable! My mood swings are nightmarish, and I barely have the energy to breathe right now. Daddy and Andrea deserve a great reward for putting up with me!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Oh, My!
However . . .
Mommy just about had a heart attack when the ultrasound tech told her his estimated weight is now 9 pounds, 5 ozs.! I believe my exact reaction was, "Oh my God!"
Even if they're off by as much as a pound, he's still over 8 pounds, and that's insane!
The tech and the nurses all agreed that it will be likely that Dr. P. will move up my c-section date when she gets the news. Well, actually, I think she already got part of the report because the nurse was kind of talking to herself and saying something like, "I think she wants you to go at least to 37 or 38 weeks . . ."
Well, I'll be 37 weeks on Thursday (according to Dr. P.'s calendar) and 38 next Wednesday, so I think I should get some interesting news at my appointment with Dr. P. on Friday.
And to top it all off, I've developed a lovely summer cold . . . sore throat and sinuses. I haven't been sick in ages, and it has to be now, of course!
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Pregnancy Train
At my uncle's wedding on Saturday, I sat at a table which just happened to contain the three "pregnant" couples in our family. They were calling us the "hormonal" table, the "pregnancy" table, the "dessert" table, etc. Needless to say, the men folk spent most of their time bonding at the bar.
My two cousins (who also happen to be sisters) are both in the early stages of pregnancy, while I am, of course, at the extreme far end. But we made quite the trio, with our bladders, our complaints, and our appetites! For once, I'm sure we out-ate the men at our table!
They also convinced me to get up and shake a little belly on the dance floor. Thank goodness, I waited until there were no cameras around for that one! But I did encourage just one shot of our little "pregnancy train," aka the "pregnancy conga line," for posterity. :))
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Nothing New to Report . . .
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
A Little More Info. :))

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tell me something I DON'T know!
On the positive side, I know Bud is healthy. He scored 8/8 on his biophysical profile.
Besides that . . . I learned absolutely nothing new today. Geez! All I heard was, "You're having a BIG baby!" about 10 times. Well, duh . . . I already knew that! And I only found out by eavesdropping on the nurses that yes, I am indeed measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Um, Dr. P. already knew that!
I think my frustration was showing because I started to drip with sweat during the non-stress test, and the baby's heart rate went up to 178 (should be 120 to 160) for awhile. My blood pressure was up too. The nurse kept asking if I was okay, if I felt funny, etc. I felt like screaming at her, "I'M STRESSED OUT! CAN'T YOU PEOPLE TELL ME ANYTHING NEW?! WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME HERE?!" But when I saw that she was going to make me stay there until our vitals calmed down, I forced myself to relax. Sure enough, all the readings went back to normal, so she sent me home.
Then, to top it all off, I realized that I had LOST my ultrasound pictures. I went back into the hospital, and we looked around the area where I had been--and no luck! I have torn my purse apart at least 3 times; the nurses combed the area I was in, and even checked my chart to see if someone had picked them up. Arrrggghh! I am SO MAD at myself. I know I had them in my hand as I left the ultrasound, so I had to have brought them up to the non-stress test. Where they went in the intervening time baffles me. I must have set them down somewhere--but where? I don't remember stopping anywhere between ultrasound and OB. The nurses promised to put them in my chart if anyone finds them. It SUCKS--they were the one cool thing I got out of my visit today. We got some great pictures of Bud looking straight into the "camera." You could see his face so well. Sigh.
Dr. P. is out of town, so they weren't sure what steps to take next, in terms of a follow-up to today's visit. So, they've booked me for ANOTHER visit next week. Lucky me! ;P At least they might find my pictures by then.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
BIG Bud!
Bud is a BIG baby. Dr. P. said she's not too surprised, because it's common with the gestational diabetes. But she's finally going to send me for another triple play (non-stress test, ultrasound, biophysical profile) at Met hospital on Tuesday morning. She wants to get an estimated weight for Bud, just to see how big he is!
I remember that Andrea was always measuring 2 weeks further along, after I reached 28 weeks with her. I think she was delivered at just under 38 weeks, and she was a decent 7lbs. 12 ozs. If this not-so-little guy is measuring THREE weeks further along, and we're not delivering him until 39 weeks . . . God help us! :))
I am anxious to find out how big he is, on Tuesday. But I know that the ultrasound measurements can be off by a lot, too . . . they told me Andrea would be about 9 lbs., and thank goodness, she wasn't. :)) I'll update you on Tuesday afternoon.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Bud's First Tigers Game

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Maternity Leave--YAY!
I am so excited and happy to be off. I still feel like I have a million things to do, but really, we're ready for Bud to arrive, whenever he's ready. I guess I am just anxious to be DONE.
All the usual ailments of the last few weeks of pregnancy have begun to crop up: headaches, swelling, increased nausea again, heartburn, sore joints, difficulty sleeping, constant urination, and Braxton-Hicks.
But at least I don't have to go into work tomorrow! :))
7 weeks to go until Bud arrives . . . :))
Thursday, May 24, 2007
We have a date!
I am scheduled for a c-section at 7:45 a.m., but who knows if it will actually take place at that time!
Well, this will make it easy for everyone to remember our special events: Andrea's birthday is July 23; our anniversary is July 24; and now, Bud's birthday will be July 25!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
"Triple Play" #1
It was like deja-vu, being back there again. It was even the same two nurses in the Maternal Care Clinic, and they remembered me from 2 years ago! I guess it was because I was in there every week for about the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy, with Andrea. Also, the OB triage nurse's name is Andrea--and she remembered we had a little girl whom we also named Andrea. I told them there wouldn't be any Mary's or Lauretta's this time, because we know it's a boy! :)) I also think they were kind of disappointed when they found out I wasn't going to be a weekly visitor this time. They kept saying things like, "What, don't you want to spend time with us?" and "Did you tell Dr.P. you didn't want come here every week?" :))
Just thought I'd mention that Bud is measuring 3 pounds, 4 oz. already! He's going to be a big boy! You can see his chubby cheeks in the ultrasound image. Then again, they told me Andrea was pushing 9 pounds at the time of delivery, and she turned out to be a comfortable 7 lbs. 12 ozs.
Bud's picture was a bit blurry this time, because of his position, and he was moving a lot. (He did NOT like it when the tech was pushing on him with the probe!) Right now, he's feet down, and curled up on my left side. That would explain why I always feel the movements on my left side--and the dancing on my bladder!
So, here's two side profiles of Bud--pretty much the exact same pose in both pictures--with his feet up near his face (he likes to curl up and snuggle in, which drives the techs crazy!).

Saturday, May 12, 2007
7-month O.B. Appointment
Everything still looks/sounds good. Bud is doing fine. He moves a lot now.
I was a bit disappointed that Dr. P. didn't have a c-section date for me yet. I guess her secretary was booking it this week, and I should get the date at my next appointment, which is around May 23 or 25 (I forget). But, she did look at the calendar, and I was right, that it will be sometime between July 23-26. So, Andrea and Bud's birthdays will be within 3 days of each other!
She (Dr. P.) decided to send me for another ultrasound this Tuesday. Actually, I am going for what they call the "triple play" at Met--a non-stress test, ultrasound, and biophysical profile. With Andrea, I was doing that weekly from this point on in my pregnancy. This time, however, she said if they have no concerns, I might be able to avoid that, and just go one more time, around 32 weeks. I hope that's how it turns out! Those weekly hospital visits were annoying last time.
Well, I think that's it for now. Maybe I'll get a good picture or two of Bud to post after Tuesday's ultrasound. :))
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hello, Third Trimester!

- In 5 weeks, I will be done work! (God bless St. M.'s for being on a different schedule than regular schools!)
- Daddy finally got to feel Bud kicking last night!
- I am not vomiting every morning! (Only every two mornings!)
- We get to fix up Andrea's big-girl room soon!
The downs:
- I feel huge.
- I need maternity clothes, and there is nothing in my size, so I just look really fat.
- I am starting to swell.
- I sweat constantly.
- I have NO energy.
- Everything is stressing me out--I cried because I have so much marking to do this week!
- I am exhausted (but that's been ongoing).
- I have to pee constantly (again, nothing new there).
This week is particularly rough, because I am getting a bad sinus infection, plus there is a lot of crazy stuff going on in my one classroom (that I am not at liberty to discuss) which I HOPE will be resolved by the end of the week, plus all that marking I was boo-hooing about; and of course the more stressed I get, the more upset my stomach gets, so the more likely I am to vomit . . .
Okay, I know you all wanted to hear about that (sarcasm here), but I just needed to blog off a little steam, okay? Besides, some day Bud's going to say, "Ma, why are you so high-strung?" and I will say, "Read your story, dear . . . it's not just you!" ;))
Thursday, April 19, 2007
6-month OB Appointment
Yesterday, we went to see Dr. P., and she said everything looks great. All of our ultrasounds and tests from recent weeks are fine (we already knew that), Mommy's blood pressure and so on are good, so Bud is thriving.
He is moving a lot, now, too. Each week, I can feel him more and more. Before, it was mostly on my lower-left side, but now I'm feeling him moving on my right side, my upper abdomen, and of course, dancing on my bladder! But I love it. It's really comforting, especially when other things in life are getting pretty stressful. I'm glad to know he's content in there. :))
Oh, and Dr. P. is already talking about planning my c-section date at my next appointment, which will be in 3 weeks. Wow! I guess she books it far in advance, when it's a planned c-section. According to my calculations (Dr. P. said a week to ten days before my due date), it will be sometime between July 23 and July 26, as long as Bud doesn't surprise us. I can't wait to find out! Andrea's birthday is the 23rd; our anniversary is the 24th; but we already knew this might get interesting. :))
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Wings Fan in Training!

Friday, April 6, 2007
A Gift for Daddy, from Baby

"Daddy's Little Tax Credit": how appropriate for the son of a Chartered Accountant! :))
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Excellent Ultrasound!
- I had a different technician, who showed and explained every single image she took during the ultrasound.
- They took me into a different room, with a pretty much brand-new ultrasound machine, which had amazingly clear images.
- The baby cooperated for every single picture/measurement we wanted to take.
- The baby looks perfectly healthy, but he has a bit of a fat belly, so we'll keep an eye on that (likely due to my diabetes). But no worries!
Oh, did you notice I said HE?!
That's right! HE cooperated in every way this time. HE kept showing off the goods! The technician kept saying, "Oh, there's HIS parts again . . . yep, he's still a boy. Yep, he's still a boy!"
If you know ultrasound images, check out the bottom one, and you can't miss the evidence. He was letting it all hang out, this time. :))
By the way, the top image is the baby looking at you; the middle image is a side profile, and the bottom is . . . well, he'll probably hate me for this one day. :))
For a bigger view of the pics, click on:
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Happy Little Heart :))
Anyway, Dr. M. said that just by looking at the baby's heart for a bit, he was able to rule out 95% of the congenital heart defects out there, and that included all the major ones. So that's good news! :))
Dr. M. said the views of the baby's heart weren't the best, because the baby was not in an optimal position, and kept wiggling around (what else is new!). But he also said he's been doing this long enough to know, by what he saw, that we have a very healthy baby--and a very active one!
And no, we STILL did not get a peek between the baby's legs. He did take a quick look for me, but no luck. The baby had its legs crossed!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Belly Picture: 21.5 weeks

I am definitely showing a lot more, a lot earlier in this pregnancy than my first one, but I've heard that's not uncommon. In general, I'm finding my pregnancy is less noticeable to others this time, because I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet (well, except in this picture)--just over-sized clothes. I'm sure when I give in to the maternity clothes in a few weeks, people will realize that I'm not just large, I'm pregnant, too! ;p
Here's a picture of Andrea posing with my belly and I. I put it in her blog, as well, but I thought it went with the entry here, too.
I think Andrea and her sibling will get a kick out of this picture some day. :))
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
5 months/20 weeks: Half Way There!
I went for my 5-month OB visit today, and Dr. P. said everything looks fine. My blood pressure was good; I've only gained 1 pound in the last month; the baby's heart rate was around 160 bpm today.
We will be getting another opportunity to see the baby in a few weeks. Dr. P. said not to worry, that all the info. they got from the last ultrasound said the baby was fine, it's just they weren't able to get all the measurements she wanted, because the baby wouldn't cooperate. So, I get to go for another ultrasound on April 5th.
Dr. Patel thinks the baby is a boy, because it's stubborn and won't cooperate--even when she was trying to measure the heartbeat with the fetal doppler, it kept kicking at the probe, and swimming away, again!
I think it's a girl, because everyone I know who has had a boy says that their boy "let it all hang out" on the ultrasound, and that's so typically male! Plus, I remember Andrea was also an "uncooperative" baby who required about three ultrasounds over a two-week period when I was at the same stage of pregnancy, with her.
Dr. P said she's also still planning on booking the echo-cardiogram with Dr. M. (specialist). I saw Dr. M. a few times when I was pregnant with Andrea, because of our Spina Bifida scare (which, thank goodness, turned out to be nothing). Again, Dr. P. said the baby's heart looked fine on the regular ultrasound, but Dr. M.'s echo-cardiogram is much more specialized and detailed, and that way we will be reassured that the baby has no hidden heart problems.
Oh, and I have definitely felt the baby moving around this week. I think I may have felt movement as early as 14 weeks this time, but this week it's definitely the baby. I usually notice it at night, when I'm relaxing. It's funny, I feel the movement most in the exact same spot I felt it with Andrea--on my lower left-hand side of my belly. These two seem to have a lot in common. :))
Friday, March 2, 2007
It's a . . . BABY!
I have decided that I am so irritated with Bud, that Bud is now going to be referred to as "it," until such a time as "it" decides to reveal what sex "it" is. I hate calling babies "it," and that's why I want to know the sex, but Bud wouldn't cooperate--so "it," or "the baby," it is!
The good news is that it looks fine. We saw the baby's heart beating. It was also waving its hand, stretching out its legs (although not when we wanted it to!), and opening and closing its mouth. We saw a really clear picture of its footprint. The baby is measuring 18 weeks exactly.
The technician tried, two separate times, to determine the baby's sex--but it kept both legs curled up, right against its bum, even when she tried to jiggle it a bit!
Anyway, here are the ultrasound pictures of the baby:

For a bigger view, click this link: . This picture is labeled, with stuff like: head, hand, spine, shin, thigh, etc.
I'm sorry I sound so bitter just because we didn't find out if it's a boy or a girl. I am TRULY grateful that the baby appears to be healthy and happy in there. :))
Thursday, February 15, 2007
OB Appointment: 4 Months
My weight is good (lost 1 pound); my blood pressure is good; my urine tests were good. Dr. P. had the results from my 12 week ultrasound, and all the measurements were fine there.
It took her a few tries, but she found Bud's heartbeat. It was measuring in the 150s, exactly like it had the night before on the home doppler. And, exactly like the night before, Bud kept whooshing away every time we found the heartbeat for a few seconds! So, I guess it's not just Mom annoying Bud. :))
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Bud's Heartbeat :))
In fact, I still have my heartbeat doppler from when I was pregnant with Andrea. I have been so anxious to check on Bud that I've been trying to check the heartbeat, with my home doppler, since week 12. I hadn't heard anything yet, but I wasn't really worried, because I couldn't hear anything until about 16 and a half weeks with Andrea. Also, I'm 90% sure I've already felt the occasional flutter/twitch for a week or so now.
But tonight, my persistence paid off. Believe me, it was really awkward trying to use the gel-covered doppler with one hand, hold the receiver on my knee, and the digital camera in my other hand! So, the video's not high quality, but I managed to get Bud's heartbeat so you could all hear it for the first time with me! The video is only a few seconds long, because you can hear Bud whoosh away soon after I capture the strongest heartbeat. But who can blame the poor little thing? I really had to jam the doppler into my stomach to find Bud! Bud's probably saying, "Geez, Mom, give me a break!"
Anyway, enjoy . . . :))
Monday, January 22, 2007
Hello, Little Person :))
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
So Many Appointments, So Little Time!
- Dr. P. is pleased with my weight and my blood pressure; we will keep an eye on the blood pressure, because it got dangerously high at the end of my first pregnancy, which led to hospitalization
- we booked an ultrasound for 18 weeks (March 2), which is the standard one to check baby's anatomy (MIGHT DETERMINE THE SEX THEN!)
- she said I could cancel the ultrasound for January 22 if I want to, but I don't want to--I like seeing the baby!
- she asked if I wanted Maternal Serum Screening and I said NO--remember the false positive for Spina Bifida I had with Andrea? SO not worth it
- she asked if I wanted a planned C-section this time and I said YES!--she gave me thumbs up, and was very pleased by my decision
- if all goes according to plan, will likely have the C-section in the last week of July
- because of the GD, will again be going for weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests after about 28 weeks gestation
- CONCERN: new studies link mother's use of Paxil during pregnancy to heart defects in babies; therefore, will discuss options with Dr. R. (psychiatrist); ALSO going for a special echo-cardiogram to check out baby's heart at about 20 weeks (not yet booked); Dr. S. is not too worried because Andrea was carried under same circumstances and is fine, but we will check the baby just in case
My appointment with Dr. S. was unbelievably pleasant. I went in expecting to do battle, because of last time, but he was in a good mood. I don't know if it was his new hairdo (cut way short), or his 3-week Christmas vacation that sweetened his temper, but it was like meeting with a totally different guy!
- I've lost 5 pounds, according to his scale, since I saw him 4 weeks ago
- when I showed him my high glucose readings from my journal, I said, "I really have been following my diet!" and he said, "I believe you!" (probably because he saw the 5-pound loss)
- he didn't yell at me for the readings I've missed, or for not recording my readings properly in the journal; he just smiled, and patiently explained his preference for how it should be done (Um, is this the same guy?!)
- he gave me a new insulin pen for the meal-time insulin which I will be taking now--with no comments whatsoever about past diabetic equipment not being returned to him (I just about fell off my chair!)
- I will be taking 8 units of rapid insulin just before breakfast, lunch, and dinner--as well as continuing the 36 units of NPH insulin at bedtime
- WOULD'VE BEEN GOOD TO KNOW: he finally received the results of the blood tests he complained about not having received last time; apparently, they show that I have been TYPE 2 DIABETIC since the summer; but, instead of making me feel bad about it, this time he just explained the results to me, wrote a note on my chart, and said we'd probably have to continue treating for Type 2 after this pregnancy is completed
So that was it! He was all smiles--no snide remarks, tirades, or complaints. He told me to "keep up the good work"! Gee, I sure like this Dr. S. a whole lot better!
So, next event of interest: 12-week ultrasound on Monday . . . just because I want to see My Little Bud. :))
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
You Have To Laugh!

Thursday, January 4, 2007
Glucose Levels Update
They are still a bit high. I have yet to get a morning reading under 5.0, which is what the doctor wants. However, my daytime readings have dropped from 12s and 14s to 7s and 9s, which shows some improvement. Right now I'm up to 24 units of the NPH insulin at bedtime.
I called the doctor's office, and he has extended his vacation until January 8, as the nurse educator had previously told me. So, I called the nurse educator this morning, and told her about not reaching 5 yet, and how my other readings are still over 7, but improving. She said, again, not to be too worried yet. She reminded me that each pregnancy is different, soIi shouldn't compare my numbers to last time. I may be more resistant to insulin this time, so it's taking my body longer to respond.
She suggested that I start pumping up my night-time insulin by 2 units each night (previously it was 1) in the hopes I will get a below-5 morning reading more quickly. She also assured me that the doctor will definitely put me on meal-time insulin when he sees these numbers. She also said that I should call him when he returns on Monday, and tell him about my levels. I already planned on that.
So, in sum, she said: don't fret, stick to your diet, don't worry hesitate about increasing the insulin, quit focusing on the numbers, and you will be fine.
By the way: morning sickness sucks, and all-day sickness is even worse! But Diclectin (medication) helps. At least I can keep food down this time, and usually only vomit first thing in the morning. Then, I just feel icky and exhausted all day. Ah, the joys of pregnancy. ;p