
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

5 months/20 weeks: Half Way There!

Today is a bit of a milestone in the pregnancy--we're half way there! :))

I went for my 5-month OB visit today, and Dr. P. said everything looks fine. My blood pressure was good; I've only gained 1 pound in the last month; the baby's heart rate was around 160 bpm today.

We will be getting another opportunity to see the baby in a few weeks. Dr. P. said not to worry, that all the info. they got from the last ultrasound said the baby was fine, it's just they weren't able to get all the measurements she wanted, because the baby wouldn't cooperate. So, I get to go for another ultrasound on April 5th.

Dr. Patel thinks the baby is a boy, because it's stubborn and won't cooperate--even when she was trying to measure the heartbeat with the fetal doppler, it kept kicking at the probe, and swimming away, again!

I think it's a girl, because everyone I know who has had a boy says that their boy "let it all hang out" on the ultrasound, and that's so typically male! Plus, I remember Andrea was also an "uncooperative" baby who required about three ultrasounds over a two-week period when I was at the same stage of pregnancy, with her.

Dr. P said she's also still planning on booking the echo-cardiogram with Dr. M. (specialist). I saw Dr. M. a few times when I was pregnant with Andrea, because of our Spina Bifida scare (which, thank goodness, turned out to be nothing). Again, Dr. P. said the baby's heart looked fine on the regular ultrasound, but Dr. M.'s echo-cardiogram is much more specialized and detailed, and that way we will be reassured that the baby has no hidden heart problems.

Oh, and I have definitely felt the baby moving around this week. I think I may have felt movement as early as 14 weeks this time, but this week it's definitely the baby. I usually notice it at night, when I'm relaxing. It's funny, I feel the movement most in the exact same spot I felt it with Andrea--on my lower left-hand side of my belly. These two seem to have a lot in common. :))


Anonymous said...

I am thinking BLUE!! I think it's a boy.
Gram G

Anonymous said...

I think that it might be another girl... there is a history of uncooperative girl babies because it took us four ultrasounds to get all of Izzy's measurements!!!