
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Test Results are Good :))

This morning, at the family doctor's, I got my initial pregnancy test results back, and everything looks great!

The pregnancy test was positive (thank goodness!). I don't have any diseases. There's no protein in my readings (a good thing--means blood pressure is normal).

I was also pleasantly surprised to hear that my random-sugar test was within normal range. Very nice! Perhaps that's because I went back on the gestational diabetes diet as soon as I suspected I was pregnant. But, I am still going to see Dr. S. as a precaution.
It is also, however, my duty to report that the morning sickness began last night, after I had told several people I hadn't felt anything yet (except some major heartburn). Is it psychological, or just a coincidence? Who knows?
I haven't gotten sick yet (knock wood), but Dr. H. gave me a prescription for nausea meds, considering my history with hyperemesis gravidarum, when I was pregnant with Andrea.
But, hey, it's definitely worth it. :))

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tough Week

This past week has been full of ups and downs: unfortunately, more downs than ups.

The good news is that I am definitely pregnant. Today I am 5 weeks pregnant; my period is a week late, and I'm still feeling all the aches and pains, plus the beginnings of an icky tummy. It's not fun, but I'm glad, because it reassures me that the pregnancy is progressing.

The bad news is that over the past couple of days, we have been in the process of mourning my uncle; furthermore, Andrea had to go into the hospital on Monday, because she developed Bronchiolitis. She's at home now, and starting to get better, but that was also very emotionally and physically draining for us.

Tomorrow I am taking Andrea to the family doctor for a follow-up visit, and I also booked an appointment for myself, to see if my blood/urine tests are back yet. Think healthy! :))

Oh, and on that note, I have been doing very well with my diabetic-friendly diet. Even with all the stress this week, I've managed to follow my guidelines, and I've lost about 5 pounds. Yay!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Doctor's Appointment

Today I had my first doctor's appointment for this pregnancy. Basically, I went in and told my family doctor, "I've had positive home pregnancy tests!" and we went from there.

Next was the flurry of questions. Last period? I told her about the uncertainty, and she agreed October 26 sounded right. That means my due date is August 1st. (BTW--my due date for Andrea was August 5. Their birthdays may be less than a week apart!) She was also surprised by how early I knew. "You're barely 4 weeks!" she said. So, I told her about the early symptoms I've had--achy chest, back, and pelvic region--that made me want to test sooner rather than later.

She said to Andrea, "So, you're going to have a baby! You're going to be a Big Sister!" and Andrea grinned at her. (Andrea's probably thinking, "Tell me something I don't already know!")

Then we discussed next steps. First, blood and urine tests. Then, call Dr. P (my OB) to notify her of my pregnancy. Then, book first ultrasound--but--I have to wait a while, because there's nothing to see until at least 7 or 8 weeks gestation! (I figured she'd say that.)

Also contact Dr. S. (gestational diabetes doctor) right away, because I still have my glucose meter from my first pregnancy, and preliminary tests are showing high readings. My family doctor jumped on that right away, and said, "Do you still have your eating guide? Were you taking insulin? Are you taking vitamins?" Yes, yes, and yes! I knew I'd need it all again within a few years. And she insisted that I follow a "strict" gestational diabetic's diet. Yep, knew that was coming, too.

I got very lucky, in terms of blood and urine tests. The lab, in my doctor's building, was open until 4:30. My appointment ended at 4:15, I rushed downstairs, and thankfully, I got in. I was the last patient they took! That worked out well.

So, now I wait again: for test results; for doctors to call other doctors; and doctors to call me back with a slew of appointments . . . I forgot how much fun this was (slight sarcasm here). :))

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well, I'm still not a fan of F.R.E.D., because it takes too much personal interpretation to decide what's positive, and what's negative. "Is there a faint pink line? Are my eyes deceiving me?" Ack.

However, a combination of F.R.E.D., and C.B.E. Digital, made me a very happy woman this evening!

Both, from a distance . . .

F.R.E.D. close-up: definitely a second, if faint, pink line there!

C.B.E. close-up: God bless digital--no misinterpretation--clearly positive again. :))

I have an appointment booked with my family doctor for tomorrow after work. Then, we'll probably do some blood work. I'll keep posting . . .

Sunday, November 19, 2006

F.R.E.D. Says NO

I am bummed.

Because of all the concerns, epecially with the gestational diabetes, surrounding my last pregnancy, I figured I'd better call my doctor's office tomorrow, and get in to see her. But first I wanted to make sure I really was pregnant. Yesterday, C.B.E. said I was; so, I figured I'd do a F.R.E.D., today, just for reassurance, because I'm still about 4 days pre-period.

Yes, I know, F.R.E.D. packages say that you can't be really sure until after your period is due; but C.B.E. said positive, and it's not even an early-result test.

Also, I've always used C.B.E. in the past, and it was always correct (all negatives except when we had Andrea--it was right). But the Andrea-test was, admittedly, 3 days post-period-being-due.

So, as Rod says, now we wait. He wants me to test again tomorrow, but I figure I might as well wait at least another 4 days, until the day I'm due to start my period. It should be accurate by then, right?

Geez, this is emotionally draining. And Rod is going out of town for two days, starting tomorrow; then leaving for a week, next weekend . . . sigh . . .

Footnote: Did Andrea Know?

In all my excitement last night, I forgot to add this anecdote about Andrea:

On Thursday morning, when I went to get Andrea out of her crib, she greeted me with her usual, sunny, "Hi!"

But as I leaned over to lift her from the crib, she poked me in the stomach, and said, "Two?"

At the time I just kind of laughed and said, "Do you know something I don't know?"

Hmm. I've always believed that young children have a spiritual connection to some things, in ways that most older people would laugh off. If her comment was purely a coincidence, then it's an interesting one!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Over the Labour Day weekend, Daddy and I decided we wanted to have another baby. Kind of funny the conversation came up on that particular weekend, eh?

So, we have been trying for three months now, and tonight, Mommy just felt like doing the pregnancy test. Really, I should have waited another week or two, but something was telling me to just do it. So, I did. And here's the result:

I am so happy, but so scared. It is very early. I hope the test is right, because we want another baby very much, and this would be perfect. Big Sister, Andrea, will just have turned two years old when this baby is born, if all goes well. We want our children to be close together in age, so they can have a close relationship. And having another summer baby would be nice for Mommy, because being a teacher, I'm on vacation then.


For now, this blog is going to stay private. Later on, when we're sure everything is okay, people can come back and see Mommy's thoughts about this pregnancy from the first moment I found out I was pregnant!