
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Doctor's Appointment

Today I had my first doctor's appointment for this pregnancy. Basically, I went in and told my family doctor, "I've had positive home pregnancy tests!" and we went from there.

Next was the flurry of questions. Last period? I told her about the uncertainty, and she agreed October 26 sounded right. That means my due date is August 1st. (BTW--my due date for Andrea was August 5. Their birthdays may be less than a week apart!) She was also surprised by how early I knew. "You're barely 4 weeks!" she said. So, I told her about the early symptoms I've had--achy chest, back, and pelvic region--that made me want to test sooner rather than later.

She said to Andrea, "So, you're going to have a baby! You're going to be a Big Sister!" and Andrea grinned at her. (Andrea's probably thinking, "Tell me something I don't already know!")

Then we discussed next steps. First, blood and urine tests. Then, call Dr. P (my OB) to notify her of my pregnancy. Then, book first ultrasound--but--I have to wait a while, because there's nothing to see until at least 7 or 8 weeks gestation! (I figured she'd say that.)

Also contact Dr. S. (gestational diabetes doctor) right away, because I still have my glucose meter from my first pregnancy, and preliminary tests are showing high readings. My family doctor jumped on that right away, and said, "Do you still have your eating guide? Were you taking insulin? Are you taking vitamins?" Yes, yes, and yes! I knew I'd need it all again within a few years. And she insisted that I follow a "strict" gestational diabetic's diet. Yep, knew that was coming, too.

I got very lucky, in terms of blood and urine tests. The lab, in my doctor's building, was open until 4:30. My appointment ended at 4:15, I rushed downstairs, and thankfully, I got in. I was the last patient they took! That worked out well.

So, now I wait again: for test results; for doctors to call other doctors; and doctors to call me back with a slew of appointments . . . I forgot how much fun this was (slight sarcasm here). :))

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