
Monday, January 22, 2007

Hello, Little Person :))

Today I went for my 12-week ultrasound, and it went great! I had a really nice ultrasound technician, and My Little Bud is doing well.

Bud is measuring 12 weeks, 4 days, which is right on track for my due date.

When we first saw Bud on the screen, the technician said, "Looks like baby is sleeping!" But within a couple of minutes, Bud was practically dancing on the screen! I saw arms and legs waving, and Bud kept turning towards and away from us. It also looked like Bud was trying to do somersaults! The technician said, "Your little person is definitely awake now!"
It was so awesome to see the baby moving around, and to actually see human features--face, arms, legs, feet, toes, fingers . . . It's astonishing how much they change in the first few weeks. At the start, all you can really distinguish is a beating heart; within a couple of weeks, you see a tiny person in there!

Bud was very cooperative for the camera, and put on quite a show for us. Unfortunately, the images never come out in print as well as they do on screen, but I put some labels on the pictures I've got to help you understand what you're looking at.

Say "Hi" to Bud--because Bud is waving hello to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Little Bud! (Grandma is waving)
How awesome. I never get tired of seeing the miracle of a baby growing inside. It's especially wonderful when it's happening to one of your own :)

Luv you!