
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tell me something I DON'T know!

I just got back from Triple Play #2 at Met hospital, and I'm irritated!

On the positive side, I know Bud is healthy. He scored 8/8 on his biophysical profile.

Besides that . . . I learned absolutely nothing new today. Geez! All I heard was, "You're having a BIG baby!" about 10 times. Well, duh . . . I already knew that! And I only found out by eavesdropping on the nurses that yes, I am indeed measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Um, Dr. P. already knew that!

I think my frustration was showing because I started to drip with sweat during the non-stress test, and the baby's heart rate went up to 178 (should be 120 to 160) for awhile. My blood pressure was up too. The nurse kept asking if I was okay, if I felt funny, etc. I felt like screaming at her, "I'M STRESSED OUT! CAN'T YOU PEOPLE TELL ME ANYTHING NEW?! WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME HERE?!" But when I saw that she was going to make me stay there until our vitals calmed down, I forced myself to relax. Sure enough, all the readings went back to normal, so she sent me home.

Then, to top it all off, I realized that I had LOST my ultrasound pictures. I went back into the hospital, and we looked around the area where I had been--and no luck! I have torn my purse apart at least 3 times; the nurses combed the area I was in, and even checked my chart to see if someone had picked them up. Arrrggghh! I am SO MAD at myself. I know I had them in my hand as I left the ultrasound, so I had to have brought them up to the non-stress test. Where they went in the intervening time baffles me. I must have set them down somewhere--but where? I don't remember stopping anywhere between ultrasound and OB. The nurses promised to put them in my chart if anyone finds them. It SUCKS--they were the one cool thing I got out of my visit today. We got some great pictures of Bud looking straight into the "camera." You could see his face so well. Sigh.

Dr. P. is out of town, so they weren't sure what steps to take next, in terms of a follow-up to today's visit. So, they've booked me for ANOTHER visit next week. Lucky me! ;P At least they might find my pictures by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you tuck the ultrasound pics in your wallet?
I am sure they will turn up :)
Let us know :)