
Thursday, February 15, 2007

OB Appointment: 4 Months

Everything went great at our 16 week appointment with Dr. P. (OB/Gyn).

My weight is good (lost 1 pound); my blood pressure is good; my urine tests were good. Dr. P. had the results from my 12 week ultrasound, and all the measurements were fine there.

It took her a few tries, but she found Bud's heartbeat. It was measuring in the 150s, exactly like it had the night before on the home doppler. And, exactly like the night before, Bud kept whooshing away every time we found the heartbeat for a few seconds! So, I guess it's not just Mom annoying Bud. :))

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bud's Heartbeat :))

Tomorrow we will reach 16 weeks, or 4 months, in the pregnancy. I will have my monthly appointment with Dr. Patel. But I just couldn't wait to hear Bud's heartbeat.

In fact, I still have my heartbeat doppler from when I was pregnant with Andrea. I have been so anxious to check on Bud that I've been trying to check the heartbeat, with my home doppler, since week 12. I hadn't heard anything yet, but I wasn't really worried, because I couldn't hear anything until about 16 and a half weeks with Andrea. Also, I'm 90% sure I've already felt the occasional flutter/twitch for a week or so now.

But tonight, my persistence paid off. Believe me, it was really awkward trying to use the gel-covered doppler with one hand, hold the receiver on my knee, and the digital camera in my other hand! So, the video's not high quality, but I managed to get Bud's heartbeat so you could all hear it for the first time with me! The video is only a few seconds long, because you can hear Bud whoosh away soon after I capture the strongest heartbeat. But who can blame the poor little thing? I really had to jam the doppler into my stomach to find Bud! Bud's probably saying, "Geez, Mom, give me a break!"

Anyway, enjoy . . . :))