
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hello, Little Bud!

Here is the first photo (ultrasound) of My Little Bud!
Bud is doing well. I got to see Bud's heart fluttering away. Besides that (as you can see) there was not much else to look at, because Bud is still so tiny (just over a centimetre long).
Bud is measuring at 7 weeks, 2 days right now, which means my adjusted due date is August 5. That was the exact same due date I had for Andrea! Maybe they really will end up sharing a birthday (July 23rd). We'll see. :))
Our next ultrasound will be on January 22, at 12 weeks.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Visit to Dietitian and Nurse Educator

This afternoon, I went for my appointment at the hospital to meet with the dietitian and nurse educator.

First, I have to say that both ladies were excellent: they listened to my concerns, acknowledged my previous experience, and were comfortable having Andrea present during our meetings!

My visit with the dietitian was longer than I expected, because there have been changes in the way they manage diets and food choices in the last two years. The system is more concerned with "carb choices" now, because it is the carbs that really affect blood glucose levels. So, my chart from my last pregnancy is now obsolete; and she had to make me up a new diet, and show me what values have changed, how to work with the new system, etc. Actually, it's not all that different from the old one, and it's easy to understand, so it shouldn't take me long to get used to it.

I didn't even have a formal visit with the nurse educator. She's the one who would teach me how to do my tests and injections, but I am already doing that just fine (I remember from my last pregnancy).

But, I did talk to her about one concern I have: my glucose levels are high right now, much higher than they should be when I am already following a strict diet. Oddly, Dr. S. only gave me insulin for bedtime. When I was pregnant with Andrea, he had given me daytime and night-time insulin right away. When I told the nurse my levels she was quite concerned, but reassured me that it wasn't time to panic or anything. However, she did give me her card and tell me to call her in a week. If my numbers haven't settled down by then, she will get me in to see the endocrinologist on call at the hospital, who will give me the daytime insulin.

Why not call Dr. S., you might ask? I did, on Monday, after 4-5 days of steadily high readings--only to find out his office is CLOSED until January 2nd. I told my family doctor about it yesterday at my 2-month appointment with her, and she told me to talk to the dietitian today (in other words, she couldn't do anything). The dietitian and nurse educator informed me that they had heard Dr. S. had also cancelled his clinics until the SECOND week of January, which means he probably won't be available until then. They agreed with me that it would not be prudent to wait that long to see him, if these high readings continue. Thus, the nurse educator offered her help, and assured me I'll see a doctor next week if these readings stay high.

Like I said, though, the nurse educator reassured me that the baby will be okay, and not to worry too much.
My first ultrasound is tomorrow, at noon. Now I am really anxious to see how My Little Bud is doing. I hope we see a healthy, happy Little Bud in there (and that I get a good picture to share!). :))

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Alright, so today I had my first visit with Dr. S., who will be treating my Gestational Diabetes.

This Blog is for My Little Bud, so I will try not to be too negative here, but Dr. S. really was rude today, and he upset me very much. I came away from the appointment quite stressed out and angry, because the doctor was focusing on negative things which I felt were not pertinent to my treatment during this pregnancy (i.e., my daughter's presence at the appointment [Guess it's not allowed, but no one told me that!], my family doctor's lack of providing correct information and recent lab results, me not returning diabetic equipment used for my first pregnancy, etc.). Anyway, it's a long and irritating story, and I'm trying to let it go (operative word being trying).

In summary, he says that I have been diabetic since May (That's news to me!), and I should have been on insulin before I got pregnant.

So, tomorrow I am taking the day off to get all my Gestational Diabetes business in order. I'm going for the official 2-hour Glucose Challenge Test first thing tomorrow morning. Then, I am heading to the pharmacy to get all NEW diabetes equipment: new glucose meter, test strips, insulin pens, needles, alcohol wipes, record book, and of course, the insulin itself . . . Oh, joy . . .

Sorry for the sarcasm there. As Daddy reminded me, "You wanted to be pregnant again!" (In other words, "You knew you'd have to go through all this again, so don't complain!") Well, of course I/WE wanted to be pregnant again! Of course I knew what I was getting myself into! I just thought Dr. S. would give me a little more credit due to my previous experience, and we'd work together as a team. Instead, he lectures me about non-pertinent issues, and insists I get all new equipment, and go see the Dietitian and Nurse-Educator again (even though I still remember how to do the glucose monitoring and injections, and I still have the specialized diet they gave me last time, which I've already been following for almost a month now!).

Oh, my goodness. As you can see, I am worn out today--emotionally, and also physically. That's why this entry is called "Oh So TIRED": because I AM TIRED.
I really hope we see good things on the 8-week ultrasound (a week from today). It will cheer me up and help me focus on what's important: Our Little Bud!
[Phooey on cranky doctors! :-) ]

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors

Today I had to go in and see Dr. R., who has been treating me for Panic Disorder for the past 7 years. (A lot of you probably didn't know this. Oh, well. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Now you know why I seem so nervous all the time!)

Anyway, I am on 2 medications right now to help with symptoms; and one, I was on when pregnant with Andrea, and everything was fine. The other, however, has more risks, so I wanted to go off it right away. Dr. R. agreed, and I'll be cutting down doses to zero over the next week or so. (So, if I seem extra jumpy, you'll know why!) He also said not to worry about the exposure baby has had so far, because I'm on a low dose, it's early, and we're cutting it off now. So, that was comforting to hear.
Other upcoming appointments: Dr. S. (diabetes doctor) on December 13; and first ultrasound (8 weeks) on December 20th. I am so excited for that one! I love ultrasounds, and seeing the Baby. It's reassuring, and makes it seem more real, especially when it's too early to feel movement or anything yet. :))